Today’s dress is vintage, by Germaine. Sneakers are New Balance. It’s 2008 and I’ve been living in Sydney for 2 years. I’m a dual citizen, thanks to my mother being born in Australia. I’ve made a nice life for myself with a Jewish community and new friendships. I’m not dating anyone, but it’s OK. I have a full life. I get unemployment after being let go from my job as a reporter. I’m working a cash job at a retail store and traveling domestically as often as I can. I’ve been to almost all the states and territories of Australia. I still have the Outback to see. My friend Heely and I find out that Sexpo is happening in the city. It’s a “health, sexuality and lifestyle exhibition,” according to Wikipedia. There are vendors selling their wares, live entertainment, and even a stripping competition. I’ve always been fascinated by sexuality, and I’m excited to go. We gather a few more friends. We see an artist there who calls himself Mr. Pricasso. He has taught himself to paint portraits using his penis. He’s an odd looking man, with a silver top hat and matching boots. He’s older, but has a youthful grin. He’s only charging $35. Heely and I sit down and pose. He works quickly, dipping his instrument in and out of the paint. He tells us that he’s due on the main stage to showcase his craft and would we mind going on stage with him while he finishes our portrait? We follow him. The last step is to use his butt cheeks as the background for the picture. We laugh some more. The whole experience has been fun. I take the artwork, since Heely doesn’t really want it. I post pictures of whatever I can on Facebook and wait for the comments. Most are surprised how good the depiction is. I’ve had caricatures done before, but they don’t usually look that much like me. My background is eastern European and my eyes are wide spread. I’m told I look liike the actress Elisabeth Moss. This pleases me.
Heely and I have a falling out. Friendships are challenging. In anger, I cut her half of our Penis Painting off.