Today’s second hand dress is from wrangler denim. Today is purim. It was always a favorite Jewish holiday of mine. but this week I find myself just wanting to be home. I’ll try and snap out of it. I’ll get myself to an event in Harlem. I have to be out most of today anyway. It’s going to be a long day. I’ve been going to sleep late. Last night I was looking for old newspaper articles I thought I’d kept. I couldn’t find them, but instead I found something else I’d been looking for—a report that was done on me around 6 years old. I was displaying signs of BPD even then, and my mother was worried. It’s strange to read about yourself more than 30 years later and see that from early on there was major problems. I was not deemed ready for first grade and I had to repeat kindergarten. This meant I was a year older than every other kid in the class. This was embarrassing for me. What was wrong with me?
I remember dressing up for Purim in school. I was a very cute child. one year my sister was a chassid and my mother curled her hair so it looked like payot.