Todays outfit is a mix! A mish mosh, if you will. Marni jacket, Margaret O’Leary top and pants from a shop in Buenos Aires many years ago. It felt like a fun thing to put together. A statement!
a lot is in my head. One thing is that I’m going to switch to a paid platform. I think patreon. I have good content and I need to use it to make a living. It won’t be expensive. Maybe $5 a month. I found a new gym in my neighborhood that has a range of classes. I can take spinning, yoga, and cardio. I feel good about being able to move my body. my skin picking addiction meetings have been really helpful, but I haven’t been able to stop picking. I love the community I have found and will continue to commit to the work. I’m getting ready to date again. I’m nervous. I’m anxious. I don’t want to. But I know I need to take small steps to start. I will have a dating plan with my sponsor to ensure I don’t get into another mess last the ones before. I will go very slowly. I will be accountable. I will take care of myself. last night I made some new friends. It was fun. But I have to remind myself that I have a full plate right now and I need more quiet time and time to write and reflect. I have an Airbnb guest who would do anything to live here. I won’t have long term guests because it doesn’t work for me. But I am compassionate to his situation and wish him the best with his search. I’m grateful to have such a wonderful place to live that makes others feel comfortable. If i ever feel really bad, I try and remember that I have a safe home and the home inside myself. I am ok. I have a reader here on the blog who writes me direct messages. I don’t know who this person is, although I’ve asked. He or she expressed disappointment with a statement I made related to Covid the other day. I will try and keep my thoughts about covid off of here, but this is an outlet for me and it feels important to share that. But I’ll try to be mindful of offending others. I’m going to the theater tonight with my mother. I hope it’s a great evening!