Today is the 20th anniversary of 9/11. I was 18 and now I’m 38. I wore juicy couture then and I’m wearing it today on the blog and in Budapest. I have a lot to say about all this. First, the fashion. Juicy couture was very trendy at the time. Everyone was wearing the terry cloth jumpsuits and other overpriced items. But it meant something. and it meant you could afford it. I wanted that reputation. The tagline for Juicy is “born in the glamorous USA.” and I was. Today’s dress is second hand Juicy. It’s cute and pink. It’s fun to have, since all my other juicy items are long gone. i was a senior in high school on 9/11. I’d just had the best summer of my life, having my byline in the NY Post. I think my sister actually looked up to me then, since I’d accomplished something pretty unique. I felt I had a real identity. I was a newspaper reporter at 18 years old. I went to fashion shows, movie premieres, and other events. I pitched article ideas as our morning meetings. It was incredible. My career only went downhill after that. But it’s ok. I have a lot of good stories regardless. i thought school was stupid. I didn’t like it and I wasn’t all that good at it. I had an undiagnosed disorder. But I went back to school and then 9/11 happened. Everyone was freaking out. No one knew what to do or how to handle anything. My best friends step dad was Rudy Giuliani and he seemed to know what to do. So we followed him. I went back to the NY Post. I needed to be back there. It was the only thing giving my life real meaning. I finished up the year and went to college. But 9/11 lingers in all of us who were there that day. How could it not? We were attacked. yesterday I went to a party with some younger people who don’t remember that day. That’s such a huge divider. Those who remember and those who don’t. Asking someone for their 9/11 story has become common. What’s yours?
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